Eleonora Mentaschi


Eleonora Mentaschi

Founder of Smart Dog, Eleonora Mentaschi is a dog-behaviorist with a Master’s Degree in Medicina Comportamentale degli Animali d’Affezione (Behavioral Medicine of Companion Animals), speaker at the Master Degree course Istruzione Cinofila of Veterinary Medicine at Pisa University, and CEO of Il Mio Cane, Dog-training School based in Milan.

In 2002, her professional expertise and passion for animals led her to launch Smart Dog – a new line of products specially designed for the well-being of our dogs.

Starting right from her knowledge of dogs psychological needs and behavior, without forgetting their owners’ necessities, Ms Mentaschi studies and designs all Smart Dog products.

“Dealing everyday with dog education, behavior and problem behavior” she says “I came to realize how important, even crucial, every tool we choose for our dogs is.

Usually, the available products on the market do not possess the quality nor the technical level I am looking for: I seldom find the appropriate attention to details. That’s why I felt the need to identify, design and create what I believe being the correct tools.

In creating this new line, I make sure all products -hand made by Italian craftsmen- guarantee our dogs well-being and safety, and are both user and eco-friendly.

Eleonora Mentaschi is the highest expert in the field of pet puzzle games and national responsible for the FISC-CONI (Federazione Italiana Sport Cinofili), she holds courses at Dog Training Schools and Universities throughout Italy and Europe on the metod she developed  “Problem Solving Practitioners”. This is why our products differ from all others.

Some videos
