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Home/Harnesses/No escape harnesses
Pettorine doppia fettuccia antifuga, Smart Dog
€42.50 – €57.50
These harnesses are particularly suitable for dogs whose escaping skills need something special to prevent them from slipping off and/or for greyhound-like dogs. It has been designed by Miriam D'Ovidio, Veterinarian, expert in rehabilitation and training.
The ideal structure of this harness respects the psychophysic well-being of the dog.
Excellent material, attention to details, Made in Italy.
Double strap – V sternum harness, designed by Veterinarian and Behaviorist, rehabilitation and training expert Miriam D’Ovidio to guarantee your dog’s psychophysic and behavioral well-being.
- Thanks to the extra strap on the back, these harnesses are particularly close-fitting yet very comfortable to wear. Their uncommon shape makes these harnesses suitable for dogs who have a tendency of slipping off and escaping and guarantees their owners a more relaxed management.
- Ideal for greyhound-like dogs. These harnesses feature a V-shaped strap on the chest and a second one in the back, thus allowing a tight yet comfortable fit even for these breeds, whose ribs and abdomen are so much different from average.
- More comfortable and close-fitting, thanks to the V shaped strap on the sternum.
- The lead attachment point is on the first strap, the one on the chest: its position is crucial to guarantee the physic well-being of the dog. Actually, the pressure points are evenly distributed on the front part of the harness, just as it happens in the H Harness model, while the second strap remains loose and does not press on any delicate body parts, such as belly or kidneys.
- For those dogs who are used to T-Touch bandage or similar massage, the double fabric on chest and abdomen might reproduce the corresponding calming effect.
No escape size | D15 small (Chest 40-52 cm – Abdomen 34-44 cm), D15 (Chest 45-57 cm – Abdomen 42-52 cm), D20 (Chest 59-76 cm – Abdomen 52-70 cm), D20 small (Chest 52-69 cm – Abdomen 44-61 cm), D25 small (Chest 64-82 cm – Abdomen 54-74), D25 medium (Chest 76-104 cm – Abdomen 64-94), D25 large (Chest 86-140 cm – Abdomen 70-105) |
I materiali di alta qualità ed i controlli che vengono fatti su ogni pezzo prima che venga messo in commercio, ci permettono di garantire le nostre pettorine per due anni dall’acquisto e seguendo scrupolosamente le direttive di Legge.
Smart Dog ti offre massima qualità e attenzione al dettaglio, ma se la tua pettorina dovesse avere un difetto di produzione, mandacela e sarà nostra premura cambiartela.
La garanzia prevede la sostituzione gratuita per ogni difetto, rottura o altro che non rientri nell’usura fisiologica del tempo e sempre che l’evento si verifichi nell’ambito del corretto uso dell’oggetto.
Smart Dog srl si riserva il diritto di verificare il corretto uso: per uso non corretto si intende, ad esempio, la masticazione dell’oggetto da parte del cane, la rottura dovuta a taglio esterno o il mancato rispetto delle istruzioni di lavaggio.
Smart Dog ti garantisce la massima qualità e attenzione.
Trova la taglia adatta al tuo cane: misura la circonferenza nei due punti in cui andrà la doppia fettuccia: la circonferenza torace alcuni centimetri dietro i gomiti (verso quasi metà della schiena) e la circonferenza addome alcuni centimetri ancora più dietro . Individua la taglia corrispondente:
Circonferenza torace
Circonferenza addome
Larghezza nastro
min: cm 40; max: cm 52
min: cm 34; max: cm 44
15 mm
min: cm 45; max: cm 57
min: cm 42; max: cm 52
15 mm
min: cm 52; max: cm 69
min: cm 44; max: cm 61
20 mm
min: cm 59; max: cm 76
min: cm 52; max: cm 70
20 mm
min: cm 64; max: cm 82
min: cm 54; max: cm 74
25 mm
min: cm 76; max: cm 104
min: cm 64; max: cm 94;
25 mm
min: cm 86; max: cm 140
min: cm 70; max: cm 105
25 mm
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